My garden is confused
My garden doesn’t know what season it is in.

Summer flowers are blooming
Summer flowers are still blooming. Leaves have turned every shade of orange and red. Some have dropped but others are clinging on. Tips of bulbs are peeping up in the flower beds. At the same time there are still clouds of white flies on my brassicas. What is going on?

I’m not complaining. I am delighted I still have dahlias. I know they will only last until the first frost which surely can’t be far away. Until then, Bishop of Llandaff continues to show off its resplendent, red blooms. Roxy still has luscious magenta flowers.
Salvias still flowering

Salvias and verbena are also flowering. Verbena Lollipop has clusters of lilac flowers. The velvet red flowers of Salvia confertiflora continue to provide much-needed colour. We are really in a topsy turvy world.

Some winter flowers are also out. Clematis urophylla winter beauty is putting on a fantastic display. It has evergreen foliage and white bell-like flowers which nod delightfully in the wind.
The cyclamen are in full flow. We have carpets of pink, Ruby Strain and white Album.

Christmas preparations have started
Cyclamen in full flow
I’ve started my Christmas preparations already. An enormous box of fat balls has been bought. They will soon be filling the bird-feeder wreath on my gate. I will decorate it with pyracanthus berries too.

I’m already eyeing up ivy, bergenia and euonymus for the wreath for my front door. The scarlet leaves of euonymus Red Cascade will be fabulous.
Plants are on my present list
My Christmas present list consists of plants. I have enough socks and smellies. Plants are a much better gift. And they will last a lot longer. This year I want Santa to bring campsis, brunnera and melianthus.

I will also be giving plants. Lupins will feature heavily. This year my nearest and dearest will be receiving Blossom, Blacksmith and Melody.

Gift vouchers suit everyone
If I can’t think of the perfect plant, I will give gift vouchers. That way they can choose whatever they want.
Getting ready for winter
I have been getting everything ready for winter. Tender plants have been brought into the greenhouses for protection from frost. Perennials have been pruned. There is only spinach, sprouts and parsnips left in the vegetable patch. The lawn has hopefully had its final cut for 2022.

Wishing you a happy Christmas and a successful New Year.
Gardening tips –Order seeds and plants for next year. Open greenhouse doors on dry days to encourage air circulation. Continue to rake up leaves and store to provide a free mulch for next year.
#season #summer #bulbs #dahlia #salvia #verbena #winter #clematis #cyclamen #Christmas #bergenia #euonymus #campsis #brunnera #melianthus #lupins #gift vouchers #perennials