Getting my hands dirty again
Over the last few months I have been thinking about West Country Nurseries’ future. Since I started the business the nursery has expanded beyond my wildest dreams. We have extended our range of plants. We have exhibited at shows all over the country. Our lupins have won four gold medals at Chelsea. We have employed local people as we have grown. And I have met hundreds of customers who love our plants.

There have been challenges
However, we have also faced challenges. Covid put an end to all the exhibitions. Rising fuel costs made us reassess how many plants we need to nurture with artificial heat. And, I have spent more and more time on admin.

It is time for a change
It is time for a change. I want to get back to basics. Get out of the office. Get my hands dirty again. It has been a hard decision. It was particularly difficult to let people who have worked with me go. I wish them well.

I have always wanted to work outside
When I changed career from music to horticulture it was because I wanted work outside. I love being in the garden. The warm sun on my face. Wind in my hair. Dirt beneath my nails. The satisfaction of seeing seeds germinate and seedlings grow into healthy plants.

Getting back to basics
I need to run every bit of the nursery. I want to be the one to propagate all my own lupins. Raise clematis from seed. Tend the dieramas. Nurture the thalictrum.
I can only do that by going back to basics and being my own labourer.

A big step, but worth it
It is a big step and quite daunting. But so far it has been good.

I love being outside with my plants. There is so much variety and colour in nature. The cherry red, silky flowers of Schizostylis Major make my heart sing every time I spy them.
Colourful agapanthus
Agapanthus Big Blue also provides a welcome splash of colour. Beautiful extra-large blue and white flowers, above dark green strappy foliage. What’s not to like?

The gauras are flowering abundantly. Belleza is a rich cerise pink. The Bride is pure white. Everywhere I look the colourful flowers confirm I have made the right decision.
Moving grass sculpture

It is always good to have different shapes and textures in the garden. This week I have enjoyed watching the golden wands of the Stipa tenuissima sway in the breeze. They are so silky and have an inflorescent shimmer and gleam. It is like having a moving sculpture in the border when the wind blows.
Starting to think about spring
As we move further into autumn I always start to think about spring. This year I will be planting wood anemones to give me some early colour. They are also good ground cover.
We’ll have clematis soon
I am looking forward to the first clematis flowers. Winter Beauty will be out in a month or so. It has beautiful Evergreen foliage and small nodding white bell-shaped flowers.

Business as usual
Despite the changes at the nursery you should not notice any difference. We will still have high quality plants. The mail order business will continue as normal. And we will still have the best lupins in the country. Thank you for continuing to support us.

Gardening tips Plant bulbs including snowdrops, crocus and daffodils. Remove dead and dying foliage. Keep dead heading flowers to prolong displays. Water pots sparingly. Bring tender plants into the greenhouse to overwinter. Plant wood anemones.
#goldmedals #chelsea #plants #garden #seeds #seedlings #lupins #clematis #dierama #thalictrum #schizostylis #agapanthus #gaura #stipa #autumn #spring #anemones #colour