Magical rain drops
Those first few drops of rain were magical. I wanted to dance outside for joy. You could hear the grass and flowers imbibing the much-needed moisture.

I was a teenager in the great summer of 76. It was much easier being a care-free child than a nursery-owner. I spent the entire time on the beach rather than in a sweltering greenhouse.

Plants perked up quickly
Having looked very disconsolate in the heat, it was amazing to see how quickly plants perked up once they had had a drink. Dried out dahlias put on new growth. Verbena raised its head. Astilbes had another push. Cosmos which had been very reluctant to bloom all summer were suddenly a riot of colour.

The grass which had been brown and crisp underfoot turned green. It has even started growing which is a shame as I have enjoyed my break from mowing the lawn.

We still need rain
Although we have had some rain we could do with some more. The rivers are running low and more and more hosepipe bans are being introduced. Maybe we need a Minister for Drought. When one was appointed in 1976 the heavens opened immediately.
Gaura The Bride has been a superstar in the hot weather. It is drought tolerant and loves the sun. I will plant some more for next summer.

Autumn is upon us
Autumn is coming. The leaves on many trees have already turned orange and dropped. Cyclamen is flowering. Ruby Strain and Album are providing a gorgeous pink and white swathe of colour.

My schizostylis are already flowering a few weeks earlier thanormal.Viscountess Byng is a vibrant pink. For something a little softer try Pink Princess.
Thinking of bulbs for spring
I need to plant bulbs for next spring. Anemones are top of my list. Virescens produces a carpet of unusual greens blooms and does well in woodland areas.

Room for more lupins
I shall add some more lupins too. Beefeater, Manhattan Lights and Desert Sun will all be found a place.

I am down to do the flowers for the church at the end of September. I don’t think there will be much left in my garden. But, my two week stint covers harvest festival. So hurrah for vegetables which will have pride of place. Anyone for a marrow?
Gardening tips – Keep dead heading flowers to encourage more blooms. Divide perennials for more colour next year. Start next year’s planning for next year. Keep watering
#dahlias #verbena #astilbes #grass #autumn #cyclamen #schizostylis #bulbs #spring #anemones #lupins