Hot weather was great for some
The hot weather in July was a mixed blessing. It was lovely to have day after day of endless sunshine. All that Vitamin D is good for us as long as we continue to smother ourselves in suncream. But it was too hot to sleep at night. My plants and I were both wilting.

Some flowers do well in a heatwave but most would prefer something a little cooler and damper.
Plan garden changes now
If global warming means we should expect more hot weather we should start planning changes to our gardens now.

Plants which thrive in hot weather include hemerocallis, phlox and verbascum. I have some wonderfully hemerocallis. I particularly like Chicago Royal Robe which is a delicious maroon. Frans Hals is also striking with its apricot yellow and mahogany red markings.
Phlox are much less showy. Try Clouds of Perfume with its powder blue flowers. Or go for the highly scented White Perfume.
Try verbascum for height
If you want some height in your garden try a verbascum. Helen Johnson with its beautiful rusty peach flowers is a firm favourite of mine.

Other sun lovers include eryngium and echinacea.

Grasses like sun
If we continue to have long hot summers I will plant more grasses. Imperata Cylindrica Rubra is a must. It is the only grass with truly red leaves. Stipas are also good. Gigantea is a giant feather grass with grey green leaves.

Planted on its own it is a stunning addition to any garden. If you want a grass which shimmers and gleams plant Stipa Tenuissima. It looks like dozens of ponytails swaying in the breeze.

Endless watering

The hot weather has meant a lot of watering. I am very careful not to waste water. I have water butts and use drip systems. But my thirsty plants still drink gallons.
Courgette glut
The hot weather has produced mixed results on my vegetable patch. The onions have started to bolt. I have pulled them out. They are still good to eat but won’t store very well. After a slow start I now have a glut of courgettes. I have made chutney, courgette cake and given loads away. I still have a mountain of them. A friend has suggested making courgette jam. I’m not convinced but will give it a go.

Wimbledon misses a trick
I was very lucky to win tickets for Wimbledon in the public ballot this year. The tennis was magnificent. The flowers were stunning. The organisers have missed a trick though. If the tournament was a month earlier, they could have used lupins. Blacksmith and Cashmere Cream would have fitted in perfectly with the colour scheme perfectly.

Gardening tips – Water, water and then water again but don’t waste any. Start planning next year’s garden displays. Dead head flowers to encourage new blooms. Encourage seed pods on annuals you want to grow from scratch next year. #rain#hemerocallis#phlox#verbascum#eryngium#echinacea#grasses#stipas#flowers#lupins