Tis the season of open gardens
What a fabulous success the Jubilee weekend was. There were village lunches, fetes and concerts. Beacons as far as one could see. But, the highlight was the open gardens.

Around us dozens opened their gates to the public. Many for the first time. It was wonderful to be able to see these hidden gems.
Simply stunning
Some were simply stunning. Beautifully manicured with no sign of a weed or mildew. Others had aphids, slugs and black spot. It didn’t matter. This was a chance to peek over the garden walls and delight in the flowers and vegetables that were on display.

Fabulous lupins
It was wonderful to see so many lupins. One garden had ranks of Persian Slipper, Rachel de Thame and Blossom. The pastel shades of blue and pink really complemented each other. In a tiny cottage garden I spotted a magnificent red display consisting of Beefeater, Red Rum and Towering Inferno.

Elsewhere I saw Terracotta, Salmon Star and Masterpiece. It was great to see so many gorgeous lupins on my visits.

Other gems
Other gems in the open gardens included geraniums, astrantia and geums.

Tallest ever echiums
There were also the tallest echiums I have ever seen. They must have been well over three metres high. Their blue and pink spires were absolutely covered in bees. Truly magnificent.
As well as the flowers I enjoyed looking at people’s vegetable plots. I was reassured to see that my spinach was not the only one to have bolted.

Enjoying the warm days
It has been lovely to have some warm days. I do like sitting outside. First thing in the morning I take my tea out to a peaceful corner of the garden. I sit there watching the blue tits harvesting greenfly from my roses. Feeding their broods is a never-ending job. It might not be efficient as using chemicals but it is much better for all concerned.
I love the smell of early morning. The sweet perfume of lonicera wakens my senses. I have Simonet and Tellmanniana both of which are delightful.

Mid-morning coffee
If I get a chance I’ll have a coffee under the pergola mid-morning. It is currently draped in clematis flowers. The light-purple of Amethyst Beauty complements the deep pink of Barbara Harrington.

In the evening I might have a cheeky glass of wine in the sun.

Lovely country wedding
Last weekend I helped a bride decorate the church with flowers. She had grown them all herself. There were enormous creamy-white ammi. Beautiful cornflowers provided splashes of blue and purple colour. Glorious sweet peas gave a heavenly scent. The only things missing were lupins. But then I would say that!

Gardening tips
Feed tubs and hanging baskets regularly. Stake tall plants to prevent wind and rain damage. Plant out annuals and summer bedding. Start sowing seeds for next year’s flowers.
#gardens #flowers #warm #lupins #geranium #clematis #lonicera #echium #astrantia #geums