Celebrate the Jubilee with flowers
At the beginning of June the nation will be celebrating Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. I can think of no better way of celebrating than with flowers.

We’re celebrating the Jubilee here with an Open Day at the nursery on Friday, June 10th. Come and see us between 10am and 3.30pm. The lupins will be in full bloom and there will be lots of plants for you to buy.

Flower festivals
Up and down the country there will be flower festivals to mark the Jubilee. There’s one near here and I have the porch to decorate.
Good colour scheme
I’m quite lucky with the colour scheme. We have been told we can use any colours associated with the Queen for inspiration, I could go with silver and purple to complement the Platinum Jubilee bunting I have bought. Or, red, white and blue would reflect the national flag. If I don’t fancy those I could choose any of Her Majesty’s gorgeous colourful outfits for inspiration.
I think I will aim for a little bit of everything.

Lupins are the best
The best flowers for the festival are definitely lupins. For purple I can choose between Blacksmith, King Canute and Shirley Anne. Silver is more difficult but I could always pop a Cashmere Cream in the mix.

Red, white and blue is easy. Red Rum and Tequila Flame for the reds. Snow Queen and Polar Princess for the whites. And Persian Slipper for the blues.
I liked the bright yellow outfit the Queen was wearing for her trip on the Elizabeth Line. Desert Sun is the perfect match.

Need other flowers too
However tempting I can’t just use lupins. I will be turning to Geranium Orion for purple. Deschampsia caespitosa Golden Dew for silver.
Phlox divaricata Chattahoochee has bright blue flowers with a red centre. Imperata cylindrica Rubra will provide more red and give some structure to my display. There will be blue from the salvias, especially Cacaliifolia and Black and Blue.

Hopefully with all these at my disposal I will be able to make a suitable arrangement.
Thank you for the rain
The recent rain has been welcome. Everything was getting very thirsty. The rain has encouraged many plants to bloom including geums.
Geum Poco is a riot of golden yellow flowers.

Gardening tips – Cut back the foliage of flowering bulbs if it has completely died down. Plant summer bedding, including astrantia for colourful displays through to autumn. Keep tender seedlings and young plants watered. Keep an eye out for #colour#lupins#flowers#plants##dierama#phlox#geum#salvias#geraniums