Glad to be rid of 2021

A year ago I thought 2021 couldn’t be any worse than 2020. How wrong I was. Covid, the bug that never gives up continued to disappoint.

One by one my friends and family have been pinged, isolated and cancelled. Events which were postponed for a year have been put off for another 12 months.
Still I will not be pessimistic. I am determined 2022 will be better.

New Year’s Resolutions
I have made some New Year’s Resolutions. Usually I don’t bother but I feel I should start January as I mean to go on.
Resolution number 1
Don’t put off things which need to be done. If there was a prize for procrastination I would win it every time. I have a ‘to do’ list and it is disappointing to see some tasks appear on it for the third year in succession. My motto will be ‘just do it now’. Like paddleboarding!

The first thing I will do is sit down with my Westcountry Nurseries catalogue and plan what to plant in my garden. I definitely want some new plants.

Resolution number 2
Grow my own. I don’t just mean runner beans and courgettes. I want to collect more of my own seeds and grown my own plants from cuttings. I have made a start on the seed collection. Last autumn I carefully shook seed heads of my astrantias and placed them in envelopes. They are now in my seed tin ready for sowing. Florence is unusual as it has lavender pink flowers. The butterflies love it.

In the spring I will take cuttings of Campsis radicans ‘Flamenco’. It is a good climber which has brilliant red flowers from July to September.
Resolution number 3

Be bolder with colour. Throughout lockdowns and covid isolation I have found joy in my garden. The plants have kept me grounded. I will now experiment more with colours to bring even more joy. I am looking at geraniums. Plenum has gorgeous double purple flowers.

The best providers of colour are lupins. Masterpiece is a rich purple. Red Rum a superb rose red. And, Manhattan Lights is purple and yellow. Whatever colour you are after there is a lupin for you.
Resolution number 4
Keep on top of weeds and pests. I always try to do this but rarely succeed. 2022 will be different.
Resolution number 5
No more peat based compost. I have nearly given up peat based compost but sometimes, especially with supply chain shortages it has been hard to get an eco-alternative. This year I shall be more organised and ensure I always have plenty in stock.

Gardening tips

Water overwintering pots in the greenhouse once a week. Plan next summer’s purchases with our 2021 catalogue. Rake up any fallen leaves. Keep an eye out for the tips of bulbs which will soon be emerging.
#catalogue #newplants #seeds #astrantia #colour #geranium #bulbs #cuttings