August washout
Well, August hasn’t been a roaring success. It has been distinctly cold. We’ve had endless drizzle punctuated with dramatic downpours. On the plus side watering has been a lot quicker than usual. Maybe we’ll be blessed with an Indian summer.

Church flowers
It was my turn to provide the altar flowers in church at the beginning of August. The week before my arrangement was due my garden was full of blooms. There were dahlias, roses, astilbes and verbena. It was a riot of colour. Then the rain came. It poured and poured.

The dahlias drooped. Rose petals turned brown. Everything was sodden. But I was determined to find something to display. And, I did.
Herbs to the rescue
Herbs came to my rescue. Beautiful tall mint stems with delicate purple flowers. Fragrant marjoram and thyme with maroon petals. It was an unconventional arrangement but it smelt wonderful. Infact, I was so impressed with the mint I have been picking fresh sprigs to have in a vase inside ever since.

Spring bulb planting
My cyclamen is in flower. It makes a beautiful purple carpet under the trees. It is also a reminder to start planting bulbs for next spring.

I think I will try some Erythroniums next year. Such beauties are found at Greencombe gardens in Somerset should you be passing

New lupins

I’m also planting new lupins to replace some which the slugs have been over fond of. I was very pleased with our newcomer for this year, Melody. It had beautiful claret and blue blooms and a lovely peppery scent. Blacksmith has rich, deep purple spikes. Rachel de Thame is a delicate pink and cream whilst Terracotta is a light orange. They are all lovely.
Pots and baskets have put on a good display
My pots and baskets have put on a good display. The pelargoniums were gorgeous. I have two pink varieties, Clovelly and Appleblossom which have been particularly splendid.

Harvesting vegetables
The vegetable garden continues to provide a good harvest. I never know from one year to the next what will do well and what will wither and die despite my best efforts. This year’s beans and beetroot have been magnificent. But few of my carrots germinated. My red onions are monsters but the white ones are tiny. Vegetable growing truly is one of life’s mysteries.
Gardening tips – Start planning for next year. Dead head flowers regularly to encourage more blooms. Divide perennials for even more colour next year.
#dahlias #summer #wet #autumn #plants #lupins #blooms #astilbe #verbena #colour #cyclamen