Summer is here
Thank heavens for summer. The recent warm weather has encouraged many flowers to bloom. It has been a slow start to summer but at last it is here.

The roses are blooming. The peonies have been magnificent and after a rather hesitant beginning the sweet peas are a riot of colour and scent. The stars of every border though are lupins.

Good year for clematis
It has been a good year for clematis. Avante Guarde has been a real hit. Deep crimson red with a pale pink/white centre. It is really striking. It provides a wonderful contrast to the lilac Crystal Fountain. Another stunning clematis is Josephine. It has double pink flowers which will bloom from now until well into September.

Butterfly magnets
Astrantias also looking good. Florence with its unusual lavender pink flowers is a real butterfly magnet. Red Admirals seem to particularly love it.

Endless lockdown
It was very disappointing when lockdown wasn’t lifted last month. Although many things are back to normal choirs are still now allowed to sing with more than six people. I really miss singing with others. It lifts the soul.
I would like to know why football fans can sing lustily at Euro 2020 matches but ten people can’t sing together even if they are socially distancing in a cavernous hall.
Keep weeding
I am trying to keep on top of the weeds, but it is hard. The alternating warm weather and heavy showers has really encouraged them. I’ve tried hoeing but whenever there’s the smallest amount of rain they grow back. Mulching works for most weeds. But some seem to thrive on it and grow back bigger and stronger.
Without doubt the most effective strategy is little and often. I try to spend time every day pulling weeds out while they are still small. I still wonder why weeds thrive but carefully cultivated flower and vegetable plants need to be nurtured.

Flower festival
This weekend I have foolishly agreed to decorate a church window as part of a flower festival. We’ve all been given a painting to use as inspiration. Mine is mainly dark blue with touches of cream and yellow. I have just the flowers for it – lupins.
For the blues I will use King Canute, Melody and Persian Slipper. Desert Sun will give my display the touch of yellow it needs. And Cashmere Cream will make up the rest. Now I just need to dust off my flower arranging skills. Wish me luck.
Gardening tips
Plant out annuals and summer bedding. Feed tubs and hanging baskets regularly. Stake tall plants to prevent wind damage. Start sowing seeds for next year’s flowers.

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