What a strange month
This has been a strange month. Covid continues to make it very odd for everyone. We have finally been allowed to go to the pub for a meal. I can hug my nearest and dearest although the Government says it was never illegal, just not advised. And I can book a holiday to the Falkland Islands. Anyone want to join me?

Difficult to adjust
I don’t know about you but I am finding it difficult to adjust to the lifting of restrictions. The pub seems alien with all the staff wearing masks. Who needs to wear one with the former promise of freedom with vaccinations? And, church without singing is just not right. No chance of choir starting anytime soon with ridiculous, complex rules.
Even though holidays are opening up I shall give overseas destinations a miss. The horror stories from people queuing to get back in have put me right off. Besides I live in Devon. It is a holiday destination. I have everything I need within a few miles.

Weather needs to behave
Now we just need the weather to behave. May has been very wet and cold. Many of the plants I would expect to be out are still stubbornly in bud. The peonies are at least four weeks behind schedule.
Slugs are threatening the dahlias
The dahlias are putting in an appearance but if they don’t get a move on the voracious slugs will eat every shoot. The first shoots of the creamy Café au Lait are showing but they need some sun to give them a boost. I’m hoping to have some warmer and drier weather soon.

Something to smile about
The hemerocallis or day lilies are reluctant to show their faces. However, once they start to grow they will be worth the wait. Frans Hals has gorgeous apricot yellow and red flowers which will cheer you up however miserable the weather. Big Smile will do what it says with its lovely maroon throated petals.
Lupins give colour
Lupins give colour to every garden. Desert Sun is a rich, custard-yellow. Salmon Star is a coppery orange. Masterpiece is a rich purple with orange flecks. Persian Slipper is a dainty lagoon blue with a white speck. And Rachel de Thame is a luscious pink. Lupins really do come in every colour.

Gardening tips – Cut back the foliage of daffodils, tulips and other flowering bulbs if it has completely died down. Plant summer bedding and geraniums for colourful displays through to autumn. You can still plant lupins too!