One year on
It’s a year since we were locked down for the first time. No-one could have guessed that 12 months later we would still be subject to draconian restrictions. At least they are beginning to lift – although why is it forecast to rain the first day, I am allowed to visit my neighbour’s garden?

Looking forward to going to the pub
In a couple of weeks we will be able to sit outside in the pub and in just over a month we will be able to have a meal inside. I have already booked my table. That’s something to look forward to.
As I sow my seeds and swap seedlings with friends, we are all grateful for the relief gardening has given us over the last year.
Watching things grow
Even those who had never aspired to green fingers took pleasure from seeing things grow. A window box full of herbs or a splendid display of lupins and delphiniums in the herbaceous border. It didn’t matter. It gave us something to do.
Lots to be done
There’s plenty to be done now. Easter weekend is when I start sowing this year’s flowers and vegetables in the greenhouse. It is unheated so I can’t start any earlier. However, this year I have experimented with starting a few off indoors near the aga. I want them to have a head start. They have germinated but I am worried they are growing too fast and will become leggy. Watch this space.
Take time to relax

Although this is a busy time for gardening. It is also important to take time to relax. Sit in the spring sunshine with a cup of tea. Enjoy the fruits of your labours. Listen to the birds. Enjoy the warmth of the early spring sunshine.
My garden is coming alive. Leucojum have the most wonderful scent. They are complemented by crocuses, daffodils and tulips.
Old favourites are back
I am always pleasantly surprised when old favourites start to emerge.
Among the first after the flowering bulbs are the anemones. If you want something different plant Virescens which has a carpet of green flowers.

Plants are budding
The geums are also budding. I look forward to seeing Mai Tai which has gorgeous apricot blooms on red stems.

Happy bees
Spring flowers have been replaced by clematis. My clematis armandii Apple Blossom is full of blush pink flowers. It is buzzing with happy bees.
Still open for business
We are still sending out plants and can provide cheer over the coming months by brightening up your gardens.
Plants I would recommend include Lupinus Gladiator is a stunning orange and yellow. It contrasts beautifully with the white Polar Princess.
Gardening tips
Sow vegetable and annual seeds in your greenhouse. Plant new perennials for spring and summer colour. Water plants which have been dormant in the greenhouse over winter, to stimulate new growth. Give the grass a first cut if you haven’t already done so, but keep the blades high.
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