Hurrah for the sunshine
Finally we have some sunshine. There may still be frost first thing but for the last few days the temperatures have climbed steadily.
We need it after what feels like the longest and wettest winter for a number of years.

The garden is brighter
The garden looks brighter and it is teeming with life. I have a magnificent display of crocuses including one huge circle of purple flowers where a long-dead tree used to stand. It is a mystery why they are there as we never planted them.
Daffodils are out
The first daffodils and narcissus are out. Many more are in bud and just waiting to burst forth. The snowdrops are still providing a carpet of white, nodding heads.
The garden is very wet. The grass is starting to grow and will need a cut soon. But I will have to wait for it to dry out otherwise the lawnmower will sink in the mud.
Time to do some jobs
I have a lot of jobs to do in the garden. There are seeds to sow and seedlings to prick out.
Dahlias need to be planted. I always start mine off in pots where I can keep an eye on them and the slugs which like them for breakfast. Once they are an inch or two high I transfer them to their final spot. One of my favourite dahlias is the red Bishop of Llandaff.
Lupins will be back next month
I am looking forward to the lupins arriving next month. I just adore their glorious spiky flowers. You can grow lupins from seed but if you want to let us do the hard work we have plugs, seedlings and larger lupins in pots.
I love the colours that lupins bring to a garden. Who can resist the rich orange of Towering Inferno? There’s always room for the glorious purple Masterpiece and the red Beefeater. If you want your colours a bit more muted go for Salmon Star or Cashmere Cream. Whatever the colour scheme in your garden we have a lupin which will fit right in.
Welcome winter colour

Despite the rain there have been patches of winter colour. This year I have been particularly grateful for my winter-flowering clematis. Clematis Armandii is covered in highly-perfumed white flowers. Clematis Armandii Appleblossom also has beautiful flowers with a lovely scent. Looking ahead to the summer there will be Chevalier and Crystal Fountain to look forward to.
Wildlife is buzzing
Spring is being welcomed by the wildlife. Every morning I wake to the most glorious birdsong. There are big fat bumble bees on the epimediums and the robins and wrens are busy collecting nesting material. My bird feeders are mobbed, particularly by long tailed tits which arrive en masse.

Let’s hope this warm spring sunshine lasts.
Gardening tips
Let the foliage of spring bulbs die back naturally to allow them to store up energy for next year. Clean greenhouses if you didn’t do so in the autumn. Continue watering plants which have been dormant in the greenhouse over winter. Start sewing vegetable and annual seeds indoors.
#winter #sunshine #narcissus #daffodils #snowdrops #seeds #dahlia #bishopofllandaff #lupins #plugs #seedlings #toweringinferno #masterpiece #beefeater #cashmerecream #salmonstar #clematis #chevalier #crystalfountain #epimediums #clematisarmandii #appleblossom